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Chimeric thoracodorsal lymph node flap with a perforator-based fasciocutaneous skin island for treatment of lower extremity lymphedema: A case report.

Emre GazyakanAmir Khosrow BigdeliUlrich KneserChristoph Hirche
Published in: Microsurgery (2020)
Free vascularized lymph node transfer (VLNT) is applied more and more in the treatment of lymphedema. A random-pattern skin island with VLNT is of use but can have its limitations in flap inset. We describe an option for free VLNT in the treatment of lower extremity lymphedema. We present the case of a chimeric thoracodorsal lymph node flap (TAP-VLNT) with a thoracodorsal artery perforator (TAP) flap (5 × 9 cm) to the lower leg in a 22-year old female patient with stage 2 lower leg lymphedema caused by severe traumatic skin decollement and postoperative scarring after a car accident. TAP flap enabled tailored and tension-free wound closure at the recipient site after scar release and lymph node flap inset. The anastomosis was performed to the anterior tibial artery. The postoperative course was uneventful with no complications or secondary donor-site lymphedema. Follow-up at 6 months showed reasonable cosmetic and functional outcomes. The circumference reduction rate was up to 11% and the patient reported improved quality of life. The purpose of this report is to describe a case of a more flexible lymph node flap inset and tension-free wound closure by harvesting a thin thoracodorsal artery perforator (TAP) skin island together with a thoracodorsal VLNT as a chimeric flap (TAP-VLNT) for treatment of lower extremity lymphedema. Larger series with longer follow-up data are needed to justify its widespread use and demonstrate long-term results.