Publisher Correction: Stateful characterization of resistive switching TiO2 with electron beam induced currents.
Brian D HoskinsGina C AdamEvgheni StrelcovNikolai ZhitenevAndrei KolmakovDmitri B StrukovJabez J McClellandPublished in: Nature communications (2018)
The original version of this Article contained an error in Eq. 1. The arrows between the symbols "T" and "B", and "B" and "T", were written "↔" but should have been "→", and incorrectly read: IEBIC=IEBAC+ISEE+I(e↔h)+IEBICT↔B+IESEEB↔T The correct from of the Eq. 1 is as follows:IEBIC=IEBAC+ISEE+I(e↔h)+IEBICT→B+IESEEB→T This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the article.