Evaluation of environmental enrichment on productive and behavioral responses of finishing pigs.

Mariana Coelly Modesto Santos TavaresIran José Oliveira da SilvaArno AlessandraIdemauro Antonio Rodrigues de LaraMaria Letícia SalvadorRobson Mateus Freitas Silveira
Published in: Tropical animal health and production (2023)
Productive and behavioral responses of finishing pigs with and without access to environmental enrichment (EE) were evaluated. A total of 432 pigs, male and female, Hampshire line, initial and final weight of 22-27 kg and 110-125 kg, respectively, were studied for 112 days. The study design was in random blocks, with 6 treatments, distributed in a factorial scheme 2 × 3 (sex × treatment) and 12 repetitions/treatment, totalling 72 pens. The animals were weighed and distributed in 3 blocks-light (20.3 to 24.8 kg), medium weight (24.8 to 27.7 kg), and heavy (27.7 to 33.8 kg). The treatments were as follows: branched chains for males (T 1 ); branched sisal ropes for males (T 2 ), males without EE (T 3 ); branched chains for females (T 4 ); branched sisal ropes for females (T 5 ) and females without EA (T 6 ). There was no effect (P > 0.05) of interaction (enrichment × sex) and sex on performance. Daily consumption and daily weight gain were lower (P < 0.05) in the chain group compared to the sisal rope and control groups. Feed conversion was similar (P > 0.05) between treatments under study. There was no interaction between gender and enrichment for behavioral responses (P = 0.8986). However, there was an environmental enrichment (P = 0.0017; P < 0.001) and gender (P = 0.0251; P < 0.001) effect in relation to the animals' behavior in the morning and in the afternoon, respectively. Calmer animals, regardless of sex, were observed for groups without enrichment (control) and morning and afternoon periods. The animals interacted with the types of enrichment under study, given the higher probabilities of interaction with the object for males and females in the morning and afternoon shifts. It was observed, regardless of the shifts, that the control treatment for males and females was different when compared to the other enrichments for males and females. In general, the pigs' behaviors were expressed more in the afternoon when compared to the morning. It was observed that the animal interaction and aggression (afternoon shift) behaviors are more related to the control group, while object interaction is more related to the enriched treatments. The use of sisal ropes and branched chains guarantees the performance and behavior of pigs in the finishing phase, but we recommend the use of branched chains, as this enrichment increased the profitability of the farmer by reducing feed consumption, maintaining feed conversion and animal welfare, besides being a more durable material than sisal rope.