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mSphere of Influence: the Complexity of Interferon Gamma-Mediated Pathogen Control.

Bryan D Bryson
Published in: mSphere (2021)
Bryan D. Bryson works in the field of biological engineering with a specific interest in host-mycobacterium interactions. In this mSphere of Influence article, he reflects on how "IRG1 and inducible nitric oxide synthase act redundantly with other interferon-gamma-induced factors to restrict intracellular replication of Legionella pneumophila" by Price and colleagues (J. V. Price, D. Russo, D. X. Ji, R. A. Chavez, et al., mBio 10:e02629-19, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1128/mBio.02629-19) made an impact on him by reinforcing the complexity of intracellular pathogen control.
  • nitric oxide synthase
  • nitric oxide
  • dendritic cells
  • candida albicans
  • reactive oxygen species
  • mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • high glucose
  • diabetic rats
  • oxidative stress
  • immune response