[Hygienic standardization of 2-formylphenoxyethane acid in the air of the working zone].
N A MartynovaV V ZakharenkovA M OleshchenkoL G GorokhovaPublished in: Gigiena i sanitariia (2018)
The toxic properties of 2-formylphenoxyethane acid for hygienic standardization in the air of working zone were studied. The substance in the dose equal of DL introduced into the stomach for male rats, male and female mice accounted for 5354, 3698 and 4322 mg/kg. It refers to moderately hazardous substances. No significant differences in species and gender sensitivity of animals to the substance were noted. It possesses a strong ability to cumulation: C is 2.9. It has a marked irritating effect to the mucous membranes of eyes and the moderate one - to the skin. Ithas a toxic effect on the liver, kidneys, central nervous system. The threshold of acute inhalation effect (Lim) is 120.3 mg/m. At Lim level it has no irritating effect on the respiratory tract. The tentative safe exposure level of 2-formylphenoxyethane acid in the air of working zone is 1 mg/m.