[Epiphrenic diverticulum of the lower third of the esophagus after previous antireflux surgery].
A F ChernousovTatyana KhorobykhV I KorotkyN M AbdulkhakkimovPashad SalikhovPublished in: Khirurgiia (2020)
In this article is described a rare postoperative complication: epiphrenal diverticulum of the esophagus of the lower third of the esophagus in patient after antireflux surgery. Brief description of the main stages of surgical treatment. 96 patients with cardiofundal, subtotal or total hiatal hernias underwent operation. There were complications of I-II degree according to Clavien-Dindo in the early postoperative period in 11 patients (11.4%). Complications of IIIb degree were revealed in 2 patients (2.1%) in the early postoperative period and in 1 patient (1.0%) in the late postoperative period (2 months after hospitalization) - epiphrenal diverticulum of the esophagus. Laparotomy, the sagittal diafragmalnaya, diverticulectomy, valisesta pyloroplasty were performed. Postoperative period without complications. The patient's nutrition through the mouth is restored on the 5-th day. No dysphagia and reflux esophagitis were detected radiologically and endoscopically.