Assets for integrating task-sharing strategies for hypertension within HIV clinics: Stakeholder's perspectives using the PEN-3 cultural model.

Juliet IwelunmorIfeoma Maureen ObionuGabriel Lamkur ShedulEkanem AnyiekereDaniel HenryAngela AifahChisom Obiezu-UmehUcheoma NwaozuruDeborah OnakomaiyaAshlin RakhraShivani MishraErinn M HadeNafesa KannehDaphne LewGeetha P BansalGbenga OgedegbeDike Ojji
Published in: PloS one (2024)
These findings advance the field by providing key stakeholders with knowledge of assets within HIV clinics that can be harnessed to enhance the integration of TASSH for PLWH in Nigeria. Future studies should evaluate the effect of these assets on the implementation of TASSH within HIV clinics as well as their effect on patient-level outcomes over time.