Toward a mechanistic understanding of "peat collapse" and its potential contribution to coastal wetland loss.
Lisa G ChambersHavalend E SteinmullerJoshua L BreithauptPublished in: Ecology (2019)
Coastal wetlands are susceptible to loss in both health and extent via stressors associated with global climate change and anthropogenic disturbance. Peat collapse may represent an additional phenomenon contributing to coastal wetland loss in organic-rich soils through rapid vertical elevation decline. However, the term "peat collapse" has been inconsistently used in the literature, leading to ambiguities regarding the mechanisms, timing, and spatial extent of its contribution to coastal wetland loss. For example, it is unclear whether peat collapse is distinct from general subsidence, or what biogeochemical changes or sequence of events may constitute peat collapse. A critical analysis of peer-reviewed literature related to peat collapse was supplemented with fundamental principles of soil physics and biogeochemistry to develop a conceptual framework for coastal wetland peat collapse. We propose that coastal wetland peat collapse is a specific type of shallow subsidence unique to highly organic soils in which a loss of soil strength and structural integrity contributes to a decline in elevation, over the course of a few months to a few years, below the lower limit for emergent plant growth and natural recovery. We further posit that coastal wetland peat collapse is driven by severe stress or death of the vegetation, which compromises the supportive structure roots provide to low-density organic soils and shifts the carbon balance of the ecosystem toward a net source, as mineralization is no longer offset by sequestration. Under these conditions, four mechanisms may contribute to peat collapse: (1) compression of gas-filled pore spaces within the soil during dry-down conditions; (2) deconsolidation of excessively waterlogged peat, followed by transport; (3) compaction of aerenchyma tissue in wetland plant roots, and possibly collapse of root channels; and (4) acceleration of soil mineralization due to the addition of labile carbon (dying roots), oxygen (decreased flooding), nutrients (eutrophication), or sulfate (saltwater intrusion). Scientists and land managers should focus efforts on monitoring vegetation health across the coastal landscape as an indicator for peat collapse vulnerability and move toward codifying the term "peat collapse" in the scientific literature. Once clarified, the contribution of peat collapse to coastal wetland loss can be evaluated.