After considering epidemiological studies on the induction of cataracts in individuals exposed to radiation, the International Commission on Radiological Protection recommended, in 2012, a reduction in the annual eye-dose limit of occupationally exposed workers. This imposed higher performance demands on existing dosimetry systems and the development of new dosimetry technologies. The operational quantity to be measured is Hp(3), the personal dose equivalent at a depth of 3 mm in an ICRU 4-element tissue cylinder 20 cm in height and 20 cm in diameter. The conversion coefficients per unit incident fluence, Hp(3)/Φ, were calculated using Monte Carlo simulation codes. In the case of incident electrons, the literature shows that the resulting coefficients depend on the electron transport options selected for the Monte Carlo simulations as well as the tally zone thickness. In this study, electron operational eye-lens dose coefficients were calculated using MCNP6.2 in its default settings and by invoking the single-event feature. The results were compared to those from PENELOPE, a well-known code for its enhanced accuracy in handling low-energy electron transport. The results are in agreement for the entire energy range for these two series of simulations, but differences are found with previously published dose coefficients in the literature. This impacts the calibration of dosimeters for electrons and may require a change in the commonly accepted dose coefficients.