Does the transcranial direct current stimulation improve dual-task postural control in young healthy adults?
Noëmie PineauAlison RobinSamuel BulteauVéronique Thomas-OllivierAnne SauvagetThibault DeschampsPublished in: Cognitive processing (2020)
Some studies have suggested that postural balance improved after a single session of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), whereas others have found minimal, if any, effects on postural performance. To address the issue of replication in tDCS studies, we re-tested the anodal tDCS effects of left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex while performing a dual-task by increasing the attentional demands associated with more challenging proprioceptive conditions. Twenty-four young adults (mean age: 21.3 ± 1.2 years) were randomly divided into two groups (a "real tDCS" vs. a "sham tDCS" group) were asked to maintain a quiet stance on a force platform. Eight trials were conducted, with eyes open and eyes closed, standing on a firm and foam surface and performing a simple and dual-task (backward counting). The postural performance was assessed by various centre-of-pressure parameters before and immediately after a 20-min tDCS session. No main effect of group and no interaction considering this factor were observed, regardless of the centre-of-pressure variables (all p values > 0.1). No evidence of a more efficient postural control emerged after a tDCS session. Beyond promising research on tDCS to maximize cognitive and behavioural enhancement, the current results indicate that caution needs to be taken when drawing firm conclusions, at least in young healthy adults.