Ultra-fast switching memristors based on two-dimensional materials.

S S Teja NibhanupudiAnupam RoyDmitry VekslerMatthew J CoupinKevin C MatthewsMatthew Disienanull AnshJatin V SinghIoana R Gearba-DolocanJamie H WarnerJaydeep P KulkarniGennadi BersukerSanjay K Banerjee
Published in: Nature communications (2024)
The ability to scale two-dimensional (2D) material thickness down to a single monolayer presents a promising opportunity to realize high-speed energy-efficient memristors. Here, we report an ultra-fast memristor fabricated using atomically thin sheets of 2D hexagonal Boron Nitride, exhibiting the shortest observed switching speed (120 ps) among 2D memristors and low switching energy (2pJ). Furthermore, we study the switching dynamics of these memristors using ultra-short (120ps-3ns) voltage pulses, a frequency range that is highly relevant in the context of modern complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuits. We employ statistical analysis of transient characteristics to gain insights into the memristor switching mechanism. Cycling endurance data confirms the ultra-fast switching capability of these memristors, making them attractive for next generation computing, storage, and Radio-Frequency (RF) circuit applications.