Calcifying odontogenic cyst, dentinogenic ghost cell tumor, and ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma: A systematic review.

José Alcides Almeida de ArrudaJoão Luiz Gomes Carneiro MonteiroLucas Guimarães AbreuLeni Verônica de Oliveira SilvaLauren Frenzel SchuchMariana Saturnino de NoronhaGerhilde CallouAmália MorenoRicardo Alves de Mesquita
Published in: Journal of oral pathology & medicine : official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology (2018)
Conservative surgery was the most common therapy for COCs and DGCTs, while radical surgery was most common for GCOCs. This study provides important and interesting data that could help clinicians and surgeons as well as oral and maxillofacial pathologists with the diagnosis and management of these lesions.