Cellular senescence, one of the hallmarks of cancer, is characterized by cell cycle arrest and the loss of most normal cellular functions while acquiring a hypersecretory, proinflammatory phenotype. The function of senescent cells in cancer cells varies depending on the cellular conditions. Before the occurrence of cancer, senescent cells act as a barrier to prevent its development. But once cancer has occurred, senescent cells play a procancer role. However, few of the current studies have adequately explained the diversity of cellular senescence across cancers. Herein, we concluded the latest intrinsic mechanisms of cellular senescence in detail and emphasized the senescence-associated secretory phenotype as a key contributor to heterogeneity of senescent cells in tumor. We also discussed five kinds of inducers of cellular senescence and the advancement of senolytics in cancer, which are drugs that tend to clear senescent cells. Finally, we summarized the various effects of senescent cells in different cancers and manifested that their functions may be diametrically opposed under different circumstances. In short, this paper contributes to the understanding of the diversity of cellular senescence in cancers and provides novel insight for tumor therapy.