Motor imagery electroencephalogram (EEG) is widely employed in brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. As a time-frequency analysis method for nonlinear and non-stationary signals, multivariate empirical mode decomposition (MEMD) and its noise-assisted version (NA-MEMD) has been widely used in the preprocessing step of BCI systems for separating EEG rhythms corresponding to specific brain activities. However, when applied to multichannel EEG signals, MEMD or NA-MEMD often demonstrate low robustness to noise and high computational complexity. To address these issues, we have explored the advantages of our recently proposed fast multivariate empirical mode decomposition (FMEMD) and its noise-assisted version (NA-FMEMD) for analyzing motor imagery data. We emphasize that FMEMD enables a more accurate estimation of EEG frequency information and exhibits a more noise-robust decomposition performance with improved computational efficiency. Comparative analysis with MEMD on simulation data and real-world EEG validates the above assertions. The joint average frequency measure is employed to automatically select intrinsic mode functions that correspond to specific frequency bands. Thus, FMEMD-based classification architecture is proposed. Using FMEMD as a preprocessing algorithm instead of MEMD can improve the classification accuracy by 2.3% on the BCI Competition IV dataset. On the Physiobank Motor/Mental Imagery dataset and BCI Competition IV Dataset 2a, FMEMD-based architecture also attained a comparable performance to complex algorithms. The results indicate that FMEMD proficiently extracts feature information from small benchmark datasets while mitigating dimensionality constraints resulting from computational complexity. Hence, FMEMD or NA-FMEMD can be a powerful time-frequency preprocessing method for BCI.