Monte Carlo explicitly correlated many-body Green's function theory.
Cole M JohnsonAlexander E DoranSeiichiro L Ten-NoSo HirataPublished in: The Journal of chemical physics (2018)
A highly scalable stochastic algorithm is proposed and implemented for computing the basis-set-incompleteness correction to the diagonal, frequency-independent self-energy of the second-order many-body Green's function (GF2) theory within the explicitly correlated (F12) formalism. The 6-, 9-, 12-, and 15-dimensional integrals comprising the F12 correction are directly evaluated by the Monte Carlo method using appropriate weight functions for importance sampling. The method is naturally and easily parallelized, involves minimal memory space and no disk I/O, and can use virtually any mathematical form of a correlation factor. Its computational cost to correct all ionization energies (IEs) is observed to increase as the fourth power of system size, as opposed to the fifth power in the case of the deterministic counterparts. The GF2 calculations and their F12 corrections for the first IEs of C60 and C70 were executed on 128 graphical processing units (GF2) and 896 central processing units (F12), respectively, to reach the results with statistical errors of 0.04 eV or less. They showed that the basis-set-incompleteness (from aug-cc-pVDZ) accounts for only 50%-60% of the deviations from experiments, suggesting the significance of higher-order perturbation corrections.