Merging bound states in the continuum by harnessing higher-order topological charges.

Meng KangLi MaoShunping ZhangMeng XiaoHongxing XuChe Ting Chan
Published in: Light, science & applications (2022)
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) can confine light with a theoretically infinite Q factor. However, in practical on-chip resonators, scattering loss caused by inevitable fabrication imperfection leads to finite Q factors due to the coupling of BICs with nearby radiative states. Merging multiple BICs can improve the robustness of BICs against fabrication imperfection by improving the Q factors of nearby states over a broad wavevector range. To date, the studies of merging BICs have been limited to fundamental BICs with topological charges ±1. Here we show the unique advantages of higher-order BICs (those with higher-order topological charges) in constructing merging BICs. Merging multiple BICs with a higher-order BIC can further improve the Q factors compared with those involving only fundamental BICs. In addition, higher-order BICs offer great flexibility in realizing steerable off-Γ merging BICs. A higher-order BIC at Γ can split into a few off-Γ fundamental BICs by reducing the system symmetry. The split BICs can then be tuned to merge with another BIC, e.g., an accidental BIC, at an off-Γ point. When the in-plane mirror symmetry is further broken, merging BICs become steerable in the reciprocal space. Merging BICs provide a paradigm to achieve robust ultrahigh-Q resonances, which are important in enhancing nonlinear and quantum effects and improving the performance of optoelectronic devices.