Fibroids and Infertility.
P PurohitK VigneswaranPublished in: Current obstetrics and gynecology reports (2016)
The precise impact of fibroids, which are the most common benign gynaecological tumours in women, on reproductive function and infertility is unknown. The need to treat submucosal fibroids is widely accepted, but fibroids in other locations and sizes continue to present a clinical conundrum. This article examines the mechanisms by which fibroids affect implantation and fertility, and stratifies their impact on basis of size, location and nature. It also explores the evidence base of the available treatment modalities in specific relation to improving fertility outcomes. Traditionally, a myomectomy has been advocated to treat fibroids for the reproductive population; however, as well as evaluating the benefits of surgery including endoscopic, this article explores alternative therapies including medical and radiological interventions.