Experimental studies on ion acceleration and stream line detachment in a diverging magnetic field.
K TerasakaS YoshimuraK OgiwaraM AramakiM Y TanakaPublished in: Physics of plasmas (2010)
The flow structure of ions in a diverging magnetic field has been experimentally studied in an electron cyclotron resonance plasma. The flow velocity field of ions has been measured with directional Langmuir probes calibrated with the laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. For low ion-temperature plasmas, it is concluded that the ion acceleration due to the axial electric field is important compared with that of gas dynamic effect. It has also been found that the detachment of ion stream line from the magnetic field line takes place when the parameter |f(ci)L(B)∕V(i)| becomes order unity, where f(ci), L(B), and V(i) are the ion cyclotron frequency, the characteristic scale length of magnetic field inhomogeneity, and the ion flow velocity, respectively. In the detachment region, a radial electric field is generated in the plasma and the ions move straight with the E×B rotation driven by the radial electric field.