[Combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder: the historical evolution of concept from «irritable heart syndrome» to «psycho-organic disorder». Biological aspect].
S G SukiasyanV A SoldatkinE V SnedkovM Ya TadevosyanM N KryuchkovaPublished in: Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova (2020)
Clinical presentations of both groups in posttraumatic period show the similarity and homogeneity of posttraumatic disorders in these groups. In the future, the pathogenetic role of TBI severity appears more clearly, which, depending on the severity, leads to the formation of an organic lesion of the brain or performs only a pathoplastic role, giving some features to the clinical picture of PTSD. It was found that the more severe the injury, the greater the likelihood of PTSD transition to organic brain damage. It is emphasized that PTSD treatment is a continuous, long-term, complex and graded process that includes pharmacotherapy, psychopharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, psychosocial interventions.