Meat intake, cooking methods and doneness and risk of colorectal tumours in the Spanish multicase-control study (MCC-Spain).

Jordi De BatlleEsther Gracia-LavedanDora RomagueraMichelle MendezGemma Castaño-VinyalsVicente MartínNúria AragonésInés Gómez-AceboRocío Olmedo-RequenaJosé Juan Jimenez-MoleonMarcela GuevaraMikel AzpiriCristóbal Llorens-IvorraGuillermo Fernandez-TardonJose Andrés LorcaJosé María HuertaVictor MorenoElena BoldoBeatriz Pérez-GómezJesús CastillaTania Fernández-VillaJuan Pablo BarrioMontserrat AndreuAntoni CastellsTrinidad DierssenJone M AltzibarManolis KogevinasMarina PollánPilar Amiano
Published in: European journal of nutrition (2016)
Our study supports an association of white, red, processed/cured/organ and total meat intake with an increased risk of CRC. Moreover, our study showed that cooking practices can modulate such risk.