Fino Sherry wine undergoes biological aging carried out by a velum of flor yeast within a traditional dynamic system known as "criaderas and solera". The complex microbiota of biofilm-forming Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains play a crucial role in shaping the distinctive organoleptic profile of these types of wines. For this reason, the aim of this study is to analyze the changes produced by different flor yeast strains in the volatilome and the aminogram of different wines from the criaderas and solera system during biological aging in the laboratory, simulating a flor yeast velum condition at different stages of the system. Results suggest that each strain metabolizes wine differently, finding that depending on the wine, some strains are better suited for the process than others. In addition, it is found that the content of biogenic amines in Fino Sherry wines, previously attributed to malolactic bacteria, varies according to the yeast strain metabolizing the wine, suggesting that flor yeast could be used to modify biogenic amines content during biological aging. Results indicate that the use of selected flor yeast starters in biological aging may be of interest to modulate some parameters during Fino Sherry wine aging.