In most cultures of the world, infertility is seen as a disaster and is associated with a myriad of emotional and psychological problems for women. Using Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) can help treat infertility. The present qualitative study aimed to explore women's attempts related to CAM use in infertility causes and diagnosis. This qualitative study has been carried out through a purposive sampling technique on 78 women living in Neyshabur, Iran. An individual interview and focus group discussions (FGDs) was used to collect data. Purposive sampling was used based on the objective of the study and the characteristics of a population. The data collection was discontinued when saturation occurred, and no new themes or information were explored in the data. Data analysis was performed by content analysis and Atlas T software. This study revealed medical diagnosis and traditional medicine, custom activity, medicine causes, and nutrition issues influence women's view pints and attempt towards infertility and CAM use. Results suggested that infertility should be understood not only in biomedical terms but in light of cultural beliefs and the contingent need for culturally-appropriate supportive CAM. The application of CAM along with medical medicine is an essential element in assisting couples in infertility causes.