The Newcastle disease virus (NDV) affects wild and domesticated bird species, including commercial poultry. Although the diversity of NDV in domestic chickens is well documented, limited information is available about Newcastle disease (ND) outbreaks in other bird species. We report an annotated sequence of NDV/Vulture/Borjuri/01/22, an avirulent strain of NDV reported from Borjuri, Northeast India, in Himalayan Griffon vulture. The complete genome is 15,186 bases long with a fusion protein (F) cleavage site 112 GRQGR↓L 117 . The phylogenetic analysis based on the F protein gene and the whole genome sequence revealed that the isolate from the vulture belongs to genotype II, sharing significant homology with vaccine strain LaSota. The study highlights the possible spillover of the virus from domestic to wild species through the food chain.