[The use of genetic engineering constructions as control samples on evaluation of diagnostic kits for reveal of rna of hazard and extremely hazard agents of virus infections by reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction.]
А А PetrovV N LebedevA V КаzantsevЕ А КоvalchukT E SizikovaN S PyshnayaD I PavelievD A KutaevS V BorisevichPublished in: Klinicheskaia laboratornaia diagnostika (2019)
The reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction method (RT-PCR) has leading position on diagnostic infections, caused by RNA-containing viruses. This method presents severe requirements to carrying out of everybody stages of analysis (extraction of nucleic acid, carry out reverse transcription, amplification of DNA). It is necessary to account the possibility of false positive or false negative results appearance. The use on RT-PCR only positive (PCS) and negative (NCS) control samples is insufficient for the control of stages of RNA extraction and reverse transcription. That is way there is necessity the construction of inner control sample (ICS) to control of these stages. The main goal of present is the ground of use genetic engineering constructions (GEC) as control samples (PCS and ICS) on evaluation of diagnostic kits for reveal of RNA of hazard and extremely hazard agents of virus infections by RT-PCR. The vector recombinant plasmids, containing the insertion of cDNA of agent´s genomic RNA are used as PCS, RNA was packed in membrane protein of MS2 bacteriophage, is used as ICS. It is demonstrated that ICS does no influence on sensitivity of RT-PCR both for use of native agents and for use of synthetic nucleic acids of Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, Machupo, Venezuelan encephalitis equine (VEE), Rift Valley fever and rabies viruses. The possibility of use of PCS and ICS for standardization of diagnostic kits is discussed.