Trust and Worth on the Co-Created Journey of Teaching-Learning.

Nan Russell Yancey
Published in: Nursing science quarterly (2023)
Trust and worth are common words often heard in the media with calls to trust the news, trust elected officials, or trust the science. Yet how can one trust science or news or others when contrary evidence arises? In the teaching-learning of nursing, emerging truths and new knowings challenge what was once considered conventional wisdom, presenting a challenge and an opportunity for nurse faculty. A discussion of trust and worth is presented with insights offered for the teaching-learning of nursing. While the insights are not exhaustive, the intent is to challenge nurse faculty to set aside time and space to delve with colleagues into creation of a culture of trust and worth in the teaching-learning milieu. This seems most appropriate for such a time as this, where a simple thing as listening to the evening news suggests that human dignity, trust, and worth seem little valued.