This paper presents a novel approach known as the cross estimation network (CEN) for fitting the datasets obtained from psychological or educational tests and estimating the parameters of item response theory (IRT) models. The CEN is comprised of two subnetworks: the person network (PN) and the item network (IN). The PN processes the response pattern of individual respondent and generates an estimate of the underlying ability, while the IN takes in the response pattern of individual item and outputs the estimates of the item parameters. Four simulation studies and an empirical study were comprehensively and rigorously conducted to investigate the performance of CEN on parameter estimation of the two-parameter logistic model under various testing scenarios. Results showed that CEN effectively fit the training data and produced accurate estimates of both person and item parameters. The trained PN and IN adhered to AI principles and acted as intelligent agents, delivering commendable evaluations for even unseen patterns of new respondents and items.