Projected Hybrid Density Functionals: Method and Application to Core Electron Ionization.
Benjamin G JaneskoPublished in: Journal of chemical theory and computation (2023)
This work introduces a new class of hybrid density functional theory (DFT) approximations, which incorporate different fractions of nonlocal exact exchange in predefined states such as core atomic orbitals (AOs). These projected hybrid density functionals are related to range-separated hybrid functionals, which incorporate different fractions of nonlocal exchange at different electron-electron separations. This work derives projected hybrids using the Adiabatic Projection formalism. One projects the electron-electron interaction operator onto the chosen predefined states, introduces the projected operator into the noninteracting Kohn-Sham reference system, and employs a formally exact density functional to model the remaining electron-electron interactions. Projected hybrids, like range-separated hybrids, approximate the partially interacting reference system's ground-state wave function as a single Slater determinant. Projected hybrids are readily implemented into existing density functional codes, requiring only a projection of the one-particle density matrices and exchange operators entering existing routines. This work also presents an application to core electron ionization. Projecting onto core atomic orbitals allows us to introduce additional nonlocal exchange into atomic core regions. This reduces the impact of self-interaction error on computed core electron properties. Benchmark studies are reported for PBE0c70, a core-projected variant of the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof global hybrid PBE0, in which the fraction of nonlocal exchange is increased from 25% to 70% in atomic core regions. PBE0c70-predicted core orbital energies accurately recover nonrelativistic core-electron binding energies of second-period elements Li-Ne and third-period elements Na-Ar, without degrading the good performance of PBE0 for atomization energies and valence ionization potentials.