New Insights into the Use of Empagliflozin-A Comprehensive Review.

Joanna ForyckaJoanna HajdysJulia KrzemińskaPiotr WilczopolskiMagdalena WronkaEwelina MłynarskaJacek RyszBeata Franczyk
Published in: Biomedicines (2022)
Empagliflozin is a relatively new drug that, as an inhibitor of the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2), causes increased urinary glucose excretion and thus contributes to improved glycemic control, better glucose metabolism, reduced glucotoxicity and insulin resistance. Although its original use was to induce a hypoglycemic effect in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), empagliflozin has also shown a number of other beneficial effects by demonstrating a nephroprotective effect, and it has proven to be a breakthrough in the treatment of heart failure (HF). Empagliflozin has been shown to reduce hospitalizations for HF and the number of deaths from cardiovascular causes. Empagliflozin treatment also reduces the incidence of renal events, including death from renal causes, as well as the risk of end-stage renal failure. Empagliflozin appears to be a fairly well-tolerated and safe drug. In patients with inadequate glycemic control, empagliflozin used in monotherapy or as an adjunct to therapy effectively lowers fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose, average daily glucose levels, glycated hemoglobin A 1C (HbA 1C ) and also leads to significant weight reduction in patients with T2DM. Unfortunately, there are some limitations, e.g., severe hypersensitivity reaction to the drug and a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) < 30 mL/min/1.73 m 2 . As with any drug, empagliflozin is also characterized by several side effects among which symptomatic hypotension, troublesome genital fungal infections, urinary tract infections and rare ketoacidosis are characteristic.