Two α-cyanohydroxycinnamic acid positional isomers, α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA4) and α-cyano-3-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA3), were characterized using Raman spectroscopy. We analyzed the implications of the collected Raman spectral shifts, and verified them through other spectroscopic techniques, to arrive at plausible three dimensional structures of CHCA3 and CHCA4. The positions of these groups were mapped by systematically analyzing the orientation and type of interactions functional groups make in each CHCA isomer. We determined whether or not the carboxylic moieties are forming dimeric links and ascertained the existence of ring-ring π-stacking interactions. We also assessed the nature of the hydrogen bonding between -CN and -OH groups. The results were then taken together to model plausible three dimensional structures for each compound. The data revealed a structure for CHCA4 that matches the published x-ray crystallographic structure. We then applied the same spectral analysis to CHCA3 to reveal its plausible three dimensional structure. The structural details revealed may account for the functional properties of the two α-cyanohydroxycinnamic acid positional isomers.