Minimally Empirical Double-Hybrid Functionals Trained against the GMTKN55 Database: revDSD-PBEP86-D4, revDOD-PBE-D4, and DOD-SCAN-D4.
Golokesh SantraNitai SylvetskyJan M L MartinPublished in: The journal of physical chemistry. A (2019)
We present a family of minimally empirical double-hybrid DFT functionals parametrized against the very large and diverse GMTKN55 benchmark. The very recently proposed ωB97M(2) empirical double hybrid (with 16 adjustable parameters) has the lowest WTMAD2 (weighted mean absolute deviation over GMTKN55) ever reported at 2.19 kcal/mol. However, refits of the DSD-BLYP and DSD-PBEP86 spin-component-scaled, dispersion-corrected double hybrids can achieve WTMAD2 values as low as 2.33 with the very recent D4 dispersion correction (2.42 kcal/mol with the D3(BJ) dispersion term) using just a handful of adjustable parameters. If we use full DFT correlation in the initial orbital evaluation, the xrevDSD-PBEP86-D4 functional reaches WTMAD2 = 2.23 kcal/mol, statistically indistinguishable from ωB97M(2) but using just four nonarbitrary adjustable parameters (and three semiarbitrary ones). The changes from the original DSD parametrizations are primarily due to noncovalent interaction energies for large systems, which were undersampled in the original parametrization set. With the new parametrization, same-spin correlation can be eliminated at minimal cost in performance, which permits revDOD-PBEP86-D4 and revDOD-PBE-D4 functionals that scale as N4 or even N3 with the size of the system. Dependence of WTMAD2 for DSD functionals on the percentage of HF exchange is roughly quadratic; it is sufficiently weak that any reasonable value in the 64% to 72% range can be chosen semiarbitrarily. DSD-SCAN and DOD-SCAN double hybrids involving the SCAN nonempirical meta-GGA as the semilocal component have also been considered and offer a good alternative if one wishes to eliminate either the empirical dispersion correction or the same-spin correlation component. noDispSD-SCAN66 achieves WTMAD2 = 3.0 kcal/mol, compared to 2.7 kcal/mol for DOD-SCAN66-D4. However, the best performance without dispersion corrections (WTMAD2 = 2.8 kcal/mol) is reached by revωB97X-2, a slight reparametrization of the Chai-Head-Gordon range-separated double hybrid. Finally, in the context of double-hybrid functionals, the very recent D4 dispersion correction is clearly superior over D3(BJ).