Diversity of fungus-like stramenopilous organisms (Oomycota) in Lithuanian freshwater aquaculture: Morphological and molecular analysis, risk to fish health.
Svetlana MarkovskajaReda IršėnaitėAudrius KačergiusGintarė SauliutėMilda StankevičiūtėPublished in: Journal of fish diseases (2023)
The present work is the first comprehensive study of fungus-like stramenopilous organisms (Oomycota) diversity in Lithuanian fish farms aimed at proper identification of saprolegniasis pathogens, which is important for water quality control, monitoring infection levels and choosing more effective treatments for this disease in aquaculture. Pathogenic to fish, Saprolegnia and other potentially pathogenic water moulds were isolated from adult fish, their eggs, fry and from water samples. All detected isolates were examined morphologically and confirmed by sequence-based molecular methods. A total of eight species belonging to the genera Saprolegnia, Achlya, Newbya and Pythium were identified. Four species (S. parasitica, S. ferax, S. australis and S. diclina) were found to be the main causative agents of saprolegniasis in Lithuania. S. parasitica and S. ferax dominated both in hatcheries and open fishponds, accounting for 66.2% of all isolates. S. parasitica was isolated from all farmed salmonid fish species as well as from the skin of Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius and Perca fluviatilis. S. australis was isolated from water and once from the skin of Oncorhynchus mykiss, and S. diclina was detected only once on the skin of Salmo salar fish. In addition, Achlya ambisexualis, Saprolegnia anisospora and Newbia oligocantha isolated during this study are noted as a possible source of saprolegniasis. The results of this study are relevant for assessing the risk of potential outbreaks of saprolegniasis or other saprolegnia-like infection in Lithuanian freshwater aquaculture.