Detection of Bombali Virus in a Mops condylurus Bat in Kyela, Tanzania.

Ariane DüxSudi E LwitihoAhidjo AyoubaCaroline RöthemeierKevin MerkelSabrina WeissGuillaume ThaurignacAngelika LanderLeonce KouadioKathrin NowakVictor Max CormanChristian DrostenEmmanuel Couacy-HymannDetlev H KrügerAndreas KurthSébastien Calvignac-SpencerMartine PeetersNyanda E NtinginyaFabian H LeendertzChacha Mangu
Published in: Viruses (2024)
Bombali virus (BOMV) is a novel Orthoebolavirus that has been detected in free-tailed bats in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Kenya, and Mozambique. We screened our collection of 349 free-tailed bat lungs collected in Côte d'Ivoire and Tanzania for BOMV RNA and tested 228 bat blood samples for BOMV antibodies. We did not detect BOMV-specific antibodies but found BOMV RNA in a Mops condylurus bat from Tanzania, marking the first detection of an ebolavirus in this country. Our findings further expand the geographic range of BOMV and support M. condylurus ' role as a natural BOMV host.