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Breast carcinomas with osteoclast-like giant cells: a comprehensive clinico-pathological and molecular portrait and evidence of RANK-L expression.

Joanna CyrtaCamille BenoistJulien Masliah-PlanchonAndre F VieiraGaëlle PierronLaëtitia FurhmannCamille RichardotMartial CalyRenaud LeclereOdette MarianiElisabeth Da MaiaFrédérique LarousserieJean Guillaume FéronMatthieu CartonVictor RenaultFrancois-Clement BidardAnne-Vincent Salomon
Published in: Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc (2022)
Breast carcinomas (BC) with osteoclast-like giant cells (OGC) are rare. Despite their distinct stromal features, their molecular characteristics remain unknown. Here, we report comprehensive clinico-pathological and molecular findings for 27 patients diagnosed with BC-OGC at Institut Curie between 2000 and 2021. Seventeen (63%) cases were invasive carcinomas of no special type (IC NST) with OGC (OGC-IC NST), four (15%) were mixed or multifocal cases with and without OGC (OGC-Mixed), and six (22%) were metaplastic carcinomas with OGC (OGC-MC). All OGC-IC NST and OGC-Mixed cases were ER+ HER2- tumors (most being luminal A based on transcriptomic subtyping, when available), while all OGC-MC were triple-negative. The median age at diagnosis was 46, 45 and 62 years for OGC-IC NST, OGC-Mixed and OGC-MC, respectively. Three patients developed distant metastases (one OGC-IC NST, two OGC-Mixed), one of whom died of metastatic disease (OGC-Mixed), and one other patient died of locally advanced disease (OGC-MC). Histopathological evaluation comparing 13 OGC-IC NST and 19 control IC NST without OGC confirmed that OGC-IC NST showed significantly higher density of vessels (by CD34 immunohistochemistry (IHC)), iron deposits (Perls stain), and CD68 and CD163-positive cell infiltrates. Genomic findings for nine OGC-IC NST and four OGC-MC were consistent with the underlying histologic subtype, including activating alterations of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway in 7/13 cases. Using RNA-seq data, differential gene expression analysis between OGC-IC NST (n = 7) and control IC NST without OGC (n = 7) revealed significant overexpression of TNFSF11 (RANK-L), TNFRSF11A (RANK), CSF1 (M-CSF), CSF1R, and genes encoding osteoclastic enzymes (MMP9, ACP5, CTSK, CTSB) in OGC-IC NST, while OPG (osteoprotegerin) was underexpressed. We also confirmed for the first time RANK-L expression in BC with OGC by IHC (seen in 15 out of 16 cases, and only in 2 of 16 controls without OGC). These findings could offer a rationale for further investigating RANK-L as a therapeutic target in BC with OGC.