Understanding Attentional Functioning in Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-Could This Improve Diagnostic Specificity?
Diana BabajanyanLeanne FreameRay SteeleAlison S PoultonPublished in: International journal of environmental research and public health (2023)
The diagnostic criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) reflect the behavioural and functional outcomes of cognitive processes. Historically they have been based on external observations and lack specificity: clinical cohorts of children meeting diagnostic criteria show that around 40% may also meet diagnostic criteria for oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). We have proposed a clinical model to explain this: the Mental Effort Reward Imbalances model of ADHD (MERIM). This model views the lower levels of task completion that underlie several of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD as being due to a summation of deficits in executive functioning and reward processing. The subjective experience of inadequate reward from task completion may explain the reduced motivation, negativity, and oppositional attitude associated with ODD. The hypothesis for this study is that descriptions of affected individuals' attentional characteristics could be more specific for the executive functioning deficits associated with ADHD than the current symptom-based approaches. To test whether this might be usable in practice, we conducted a workshop that aimed to characterise in depth the patterns of attention experienced by adults with ADHD and how they impact functioning. Three main patterns were described: (1) complete lapses in attention; (2) partial attention to a task; (3) attending to multiple tasks and distractions, either simultaneously or in rapid sequence. All of these resulted in reduced productivity. They also described strategies for managing their attention deficits. Some people used distractions positively, to stimulate the mind to remain active and engaged rather than losing focus. Multi-tasking could also achieve this by providing higher levels of stimulation, however, the stimulation could itself become a distraction. Interest or stress might maintain engagement; extremes could sometimes lead to hyperfocusing, which was typically infrequent but could be highly productive. Focusing on executive functions may improve diagnostic sensitivity, as the current criteria fail to identify people who function adequately due to their use of strategies that mitigate the effects of their attentional deficits. Such people may present with secondary depression or anxiety rather than clear, behavioural symptoms of ADHD. With further development, the approach described in this paper may provide a more simple and fundamental way of recognising ADHD within the community. In the longer term, focusing more specifically on executive functions may provide cohorts with a 'purer' form of ADHD for scientific study.