Analytical and clinical evaluation of a novel real-time PCR-based detection kit for Mpox virus.
Till BunseAnne ZielPhilipp HagenGeorge RigopoulosUmit YasarHakan InanGurbet KöseUlrich EignerRolf KaiserNils BardeckJasmin KöfferMelissa KolbXiaomei RenDeyong TanLizhong DaiUlrike ProtzerJochen M WettengelPublished in: Medical microbiology and immunology (2024)
Outbreaks of emerging diseases, like Mpox in 2022, pose unprecedented challenges to global healthcare systems. Although Mpox cases globally decreased since the end of 2022, numbers are still significant in the African Region, European Region, Region of the Americas, and Western Pacific Region. Rapid and efficient detection of infected individuals by precise screening assays is crucial for successful containment. In these assays, analytical and clinical performance must be assessed to ensure high quality. However, clinical studies evaluating Mpox virus (MPXV) detection kits using patient-derived samples are scarce. This study evaluated the analytical and clinical performance of a new diagnostic MPXV real-time PCR detection kit (Sansure Monkeypox Virus Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Kit) using patient-derived samples collected in Germany during the MPXV clade IIb outbreak in 2022. Our experimental approach determined the Limit of Detection (LoD) to less than 200 cp/mL using whole blood samples and samples derived from vesicles or pustules. Furthermore, we tested potentially inhibiting substances and pathogens with homologous nucleic acid sequences or similar clinical presentation and detected no cross-reactivity or interference. Following this, the assay was compared to a CE-marked test in a clinical performance study and achieved a diagnostic sensitivity of 100.00% and diagnostic specificity of 96.97%. In summary, the investigated real-time PCR assay demonstrates high analytical performance and concurs with the competitor device with high specificity and sensitivity.