Artificial Organelles for Energy Regeneration.

Lado OtrinChristin KleinebergLucas Caire da SilvaKatharina LandfesterIvan IvanovMinhui WangClaudia BednarzKai SundmacherTanja Vidaković-Koch
Published in: Advanced biosystems (2019)
One of the critical steps in sustaining life-mimicking processes in synthetic cells is energy, i.e., adenosine triphosphate (ATP) regeneration. Previous studies have shown that the simple addition of ATP or ATP regeneration systems, which do not regenerate ATP directly from ADP and Pi , have no or only limited success due to accumulation of ATP hydrolysis products. In general, ATP regeneration can be achieved by converting light or chemical energy into ATP, which may also involve redox transformations of cofactors. The present contribution provides an overview of the existing ATP regeneration strategies and the related nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+ ) redox cycling, with a focus on compartmentalized systems. Special attention is being paid to those approaches where so-called artificial organelles are developed. They comprise a semipermeable membrane functionalized by biological or man-made components and employ external energy in the form of light or nutrients in order to generate a transmembrane proton gradient, which is further utilized for ATP synthesis.