Recent advances and fundamentals of microalgae cultivation technology.
Julian M RozenbergBoris A SorokinAmina N MukhambetovaAnna A EmelianovaValentin V KuzminOxana Y Belogurova-OvchinnikovaDenis V KuzminPublished in: Biotechnology journal (2024)
Microalgae are considered to be a promising group of organisms for fuel production, waste processing, pharmaceutical applications, and as a source of food components. Unicellular algae are worth being considered because of their capacity to produce comparatively large amounts of lipids, proteins, and vitamins while requiring little room for growth. They can also grow on waste and fix CO2 and nitrogen compounds. However, production costs limit the industrial use of microalgae to the most profitable applications including micronutrient production and fish farming. Therefore, novel microalgae based technologies require an increase of the production efficiencies or values. Here we review the recent studies focused on getting strains with novel characteristics or cultivating techniques that improve production's robustness or efficiency and categorize these findings according to the fundamental factors that determine microalgae growth. Improvements of light and nutrient delivery, as well as other aspects of photobioreactor design, have shown the highest average increase in productivity. Other methods, such as an improvement of phosphorus or CO2 fixation and temperature adaptation have been found to be less effective. Furthermore, interactions with particular bacteria may promote the growth of microalgae, although bacterial and grazer contaminations must be managed to avoid culture failure. The competitiveness of the algal products will increase if these discoveries are applied to industrial settings.