Do Patients Assess Physicians Differently in Video Visits as Compared with In-Person Visits? Insights from Text-Mining Online Physician Reviews.
Ranganathan ChandrasekaranPrathamesh BapatPruthivinath Jeripity VenkataEvangelos MoustakasPublished in: Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association (2023)
Introduction: Use of both in-person and video visits have become a common norm in health care delivery, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. It is imperative to understand how patients feel about their providers and their experiences during in-person and video visits. This study examines the important factors that patients use in their reviews and differences in the relative importance. Methods: We performed sentiment analysis and topic modeling on online physician reviews from April 2020 to April 2022. Our dataset comprised 34,824 reviews posted by patients after completing in-person or video visits. Results: Sentiment analysis yielded 27,507 (92.69%) positive and 2,168 (7.31%) negative reviews for in-person visits, and 4,610 (89.53%) positive and 539 (10.47%) negative reviews for video visits. Topic modeling identified seven factors patients used in their reviews: Bedside manners, Medical Expertise, Communication, Visit Environment, Scheduling and Follow-up, Wait times, and Costs and insurance. Patients who gave positive reviews after in-person consultations more frequently mentioned communication, office environment and staff, and bedside manners. Those who gave negative reviews after in-person visits mentioned longer wait times, providers' office and staff, medical expertise, and costs and insurance problems. Patients with positive reviews after video visits emphasized communication, bedside manners, and medical expertise. However, patients posting negative reviews after video visits frequently mentioned problems with appointment scheduling and follow-up, medical expertise, wait times, costs and insurance, and technical problems in video visits. Conclusions: This study identified key factors that influence patients' assessment of their providers in in-person and video visits. Paying attention to these factors can help improve the overall patient experience.