Women with moderate-to-severe psoriasis in Spain (BIOBADADERM registry) show more than a 50% reduction in age-adjusted fertility rate when compared with the general population.
Alvaro Gonzalez-CanteroG CarreteroR RiveraC FerrándizE DaudénP de la CuevaF J Gómez-GarcíaI BelinchónE Herrera-CeballosD Ruiz-GenaoM FerránM AlsinaJ L Sánchez-CarazoO BaniandrésAntonio Sahuquillo-TorralbaL RodriguezJ VilarC GarcíaJ M CarrascosaM Llamas-VelascoE Herrera-AcostaJ L López-EstebaranzR Botella-EstradaM A DescalzoI García-Dovalnull nullPublished in: The British journal of dermatology (2019)