Evaluation of sleeping parameters with peripheral arterial tonometry in childhood sleep apnea and snoring: a clinical feasibility study.
Steinbichler Teresa BernadetteBender BirteRunge AnnetteUrl ChristophGottfried TimoPototschnig ClausKapelari KlausBuricic SladjanaSchmutzhard JoachimRiechelmann HerbertPublished in: European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (2023)
device might be a feasible way for objective assessment of pediatric OSA in children older than 3 years. Adenoidectomy ± tonsillotomy/tonsillectomy caused a significant decrease of the AHI in children with OSA. This effect was especially pronounced in children with severe OSA and none of the children had persistent severe OSA after surgery.