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Endoscopic Treatment of Deep Gluteal Syndrome: 3-Portal Technique.

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich BelyakFjodor Leonidovich LazkoAlbert Akramovich SufianovDmitrij L'vovich PaskhinAleksej Petrovich PrizovMaksim Fjodorovich LazkoRanel Khamitovich SagdievNikolaj Vasil'evich Zagorodnij
Published in: Arthroscopy techniques (2024)
We describe all-endoscopic deep gluteal syndrome treatment and sciatic nerve decompression at the infrapiriformis space. Surgery is performed with the patient in the prone position with the usual arthroscopic instruments and pump. The first step includes performing placement of 2 initial portals (medial and median) without fluoroscopy in the area of the ischial tuberosity and conjoint tendon, as well as release in this area with a subsequent shift in the lateral direction. The second step includes performing placement of an additional lateral portal for instruments, switching the camera into the median portal, and visualizing the sciatic nerve and its decompression at the infrapiriformis space and upper part of the thigh area. The postoperative period includes early activation, immediate passive and active motion after surgery, and full weight bearing the day after surgery.