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[Mesh Implantation in Anti-Reflux and Hiatal Hernia Surgery - Contra Statement].

Jasmina KuvendjiskaJens Höppner
Published in: Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie (2021)
In the surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and of hiatal hernias, the high rate of recurrence of hiatal hernias is a central problem. Against this background, various, primarily alloplastic, meshes are used to augment suture closure on the esophageal hiatus. Very different results have been reported in the past and the use of meshes in hiatus reconstruction is controversial. In addition to the frequency of recurrences, reports about complications of mesh augmentation are in the foreground. On the basis of several prospective randomised double-blinded comparative studies and meta-analyses (class Ia and Ib evidence), the current data do not show any advantages of mesh-augmented hiatoplasty for the prevention of recurrence of hiatal hernia. At the same time, there exist reports of more long-term postoperative complications, especially dysphagia, after use of meshes for augmentation of hiatus reconstruction. Therefore, routine use of mesh augmentation for hiatus reconstruction is currently not recommended.