The statistical analysis plan for the unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients randomized clinical trial (UNITI-RCT).
Jorge Piano SimoesStefan SchoisswohlWinfried SchleeLaura BassoAlberto Bernal-RobledanoBenjamin BoeckingRilana CimaSam DenysMilena EngelkeAlba Escalera-BalseraAlvaro Gallego-MartinezSilvano GallusDimitris KikidisJose A López-EscámezSteven C MarcrumNikolaos MarkatosJuan Martin-LagosMarta Martinez-MartinezBirgit MazurekEvgenia VassouCarlotta Micaela JarachNicolas Mueller-LocatelliPatrick NeffUli NiemannHafez Kader OmarClara PugaMiro SchleicherVishnu UnnikrishnanPatricia Perez-CarpenaRüdiger PryssPaula Robles-BolivarMatthias RoseMartin SchecklmannTabea SchieleJohannes SchobelMyra SpiliopoulouSabine StarkCarsten VogelNina WunderZoi ZachouBerthold LangguthPublished in: Trials (2023) NCT04663828 . The trial is ongoing. Date of registration: December 11, 2020. All patients that finished their treatment before 19 December 2022 are included in the main RCT analysis.