Impact of urbanization on gut microbiome mosaics across geographic and dietary contexts.
Elizaveta VinogradovaNurislam MukhanbetzhanovMadiyar NurgaziyevZharkyn JarmukhanovRakhilya AipovaAliya SailybayevaMakhabbat S BekbossynovaSamat KozhakhmetovAlmagul R KushugulovaPublished in: mSystems (2024)
The study examined gut microbiome composition across diverse geographical locations in Kazakhstan, spanning urban centers and rural settlements. This allows for thoroughly investigating how urbanization gradients and geographic factors shape the gut microbiome. The study's examination of the gut resistome and prevalence of virulence-associated genes provide essential insights into the public health implications of urbanization-driven microbiome alterations. Collecting comprehensive demographic, dietary, and stool sample data enables the researchers to better understand the relationships between urbanization, nutritional patterns, and gut microbiome composition. The findings have important implications for understanding how urbanization-driven microbiome changes may impact human health and well-being, paving the way for tailored interventions to restore a balanced gut microbial ecology.