Detecting uniform differential item functioning for continuous response computerized adaptive testing.

Chun WangRuoyi Zhu
Published in: Applied psychological measurement (2024)
Evaluating items for potential differential item functioning (DIF) is an essential step to ensuring measurement fairness. In this article, we focus on a specific scenario, namely, the continuous response, severely sparse, computerized adaptive testing (CAT). Continuous responses items are growingly used in performance-based tasks because they tend to generate more information than traditional dichotomous items. Severe sparsity arises when many items are automatically generated via machine learning algorithms. We propose two uniform DIF detection methods in this scenario. The first is a modified version of the CAT-SIBTEST, a non-parametric method that does not depend on any specific item response theory model assumptions. The second is a regularization method, a parametric, model-based approach. Simulation studies show that both methods are effective in correctly identifying items with uniform DIF. A real data analysis is provided in the end to illustrate the utility and potential caveats of the two methods.