Portal pressure and liver stiffness measurements in the prediction of fibrosis regression after sustained virological response in recurrent hepatitis C.

Ezequiel MauroGonzalo CrespoCarla MontironiMaria-Carlota LondoñoVirginia Hernández-GeaPablo RuizLydia SastreJulissa LombardoZoe MariñoAlba DíazJordi ColmeneroAntoni RimolaJuan Carlos Garcia-PagánMercé BrunetXavier FornsMiquel Navasa
Published in: Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) (2018)
In conclusion, SVR post-LT induces fibrosis regression in most patients, leading to significant clinical benefits. Pretreatment HVPG and LSM are significant determinants of the likelihood of fibrosis regression. Finally, LSM accurately predicts the presence of AF and PH 1 year after SVR and thus can be used to determine monitoring strategies. (Hepatology 2018;67:1683-1694).