REDCap-Based Operational Tool to Guide Care Coordination in a Multidisciplinary Cutaneous Oncology Clinic.
Farees SaqlainSophia Z ShalhoutKeith T FlahertyKevin S EmerickDavid Michael MillerPublished in: JCO oncology practice (2021)
The multidisciplinary team is the primary means for delivery of complex cancer care in the United States. Considerable variability exists in how multidisciplinary teams operate across the landscape of oncology, including variation in represented specialties and specifics of the shared medical decision-making process. Here, we describe operations of a multidisciplinary clinic focused on the management of nonmelanoma skin cancer, formed as a joint effort between departments at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. We describe deployment of a flexible Web-based operational tool created on the Research Electronic Data Capture platform to facilitate provider coordination and tracking and visualization of the patient census, offering a new perspective on optimization of the multidisciplinary workflow. To help promote further discussion, we have made the data dictionary for the operational tool and R code for the accompanying data visualization dashboard freely available online for download and customization.