Pamphagidae is a family of Acridoidea that inhabits the desert steppes of Eurasia and Africa. This study employed flow cytometry to estimate the genome size of eight species in the Pamphagidae. The results indicate that the genome size of the eight species ranged from 13.88 pg to 14.66 pg, with an average of 14.26 pg. This is the largest average genome size recorded for the Orthoptera families, as well as for the entire Insecta. Furthermore, the study explored the role of repetitive sequences in the genome, including their evolutionary dynamics and activity, using low-coverage next-generation sequencing data. The genome is composed of 14 different types of repetitive sequences, which collectively make up between 59.9% and 68.17% of the total genome. The Pamphagidae family displays high levels of transposable element (TE) activity, with the number of TEs increasing and accumulating since the family's emergence. The study found that the types of repetitive sequences contributing to the TE outburst events are similar across species. Additionally, the study identified unique repetitive elements for each species. The differences in repetitive sequences among the eight Pamphagidae species correspond to their phylogenetic relationships. The study sheds new light on genome gigantism in the Pamphagidae and provides insight into the correlation between genome size and repetitive sequences within the family.