BrainForge: an online data analysis platform for integrative neuroimaging acquisition, analysis, and sharing.
Eric VernerHelen PetropoulosBradley BakerH Jeremy BockholtJill FriesAnastasia BohsaliRajikha RajaDuc Hoai TrinhVince CalhounPublished in: Concurrency and computation : practice & experience (2022)
BrainForge is a cloud-enabled, web-based analysis platform for neuroimaging research. This website allows users to archive data from a study and effortlessly process data on a high-performance computing cluster. After analyses are completed, results can be quickly shared with colleagues. BrainForge solves multiple problems for researchers who want to analyze neuroimaging data, including issues related to software, reproducibility, computational resources, and data sharing. BrainForge can currently process structural, functional, diffusion, and arterial spin labeling MRI modalities, including preprocessing and group level analyses. Additional pipelines are currently being added, and the pipelines can accept the BIDS format. Analyses are conducted completely inside of Singularity containers and utilize popular software packages including Nipype, Statistical Parametric Mapping, the Group ICA of fMRI Toolbox, and FreeSurfer. BrainForge also features several interfaces for group analysis, including a fully automated adaptive ICA approach.