Custom designed radial forearm free flap for reconstruction of nasomaxillary defects: Report of two cases.
Ramon Sieira-GilMarta Yuste-ColomCarles MartíEloy GarcíaJoan FontdevilaAda FerrerPublished in: Microsurgery (2020)
Nasal amputation and nasomaxillary defects, need to reconstruct the internal lining, osteochondral structure, and external coating of the nose. Authors report a 70-year-old male and a 65-year-old female treated for nasomaxillary defects (Brown JS, Shaw RJ. The Lancet Oncology 2010;11:1001-1008) due to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) where the tip of the nose was preserved. A new custom design of the radial forearm free flap (RFFF) consisting on a subcutaneous tissue (SCT) component, a skin paddle for the internal nasal vault lining, and a skin paddle for the external nasal skin coating was raised to treat both total thickness nasal defects. The dimension of each skin paddle corresponds to the defect measurements. The skin incisions of the custom design correspond to those of a conventional RFFF. The SCT component was harvested in a subcutaneous plane continuously with the skin island for the internal nasal lining which is drawn on the ulnar skin of the forearm. The component for the external nasal coating was drawn on the radial skin area of the flap. No postoperative complications and a satisfactory outcome was reported after 1 year of follow-up. This new custom design of the RFFF is described for reconstruction of nasomaxillary defects when the tip of the nose is preserved.